Lot of the younger people are today want to have a love marriage as the idea seems good and comfortable in terms of understanding the partner. There is no deny that love marriage have some merits over arranged marriage but arranged marriage also have some advantages over love marriage.
For all who doubt the arranged marriage and question it, we have some of merits that'll make it an interesting choice to settle down in arranged marriage.
1) Your family plans dates for you to choose your partner:
One cool thing about arranged marriage is that your family plans dates for you and you have some freedom to go out and have a great time with your to be a partner without even lying at home.
2) Your in-laws have approved you:
As arranged marriage involves families of both sides so you know that your in-laws like you and that's why they want to be a part of their family. Thus, they are more than willing to help you adjust in the new environment but sometime love marriage might not offer.
3) Your relationship with your partner gets greater level of social acceptance:
In an arranged marriage, one not only looks at the prospective bride and groom, but also approve of their families before finalising everything like taking care of cultural and financial background and social setup. Also introducing your partner to relatives in social gathering becomes more easy as your marriage is well accepted by everyone.
4) The excitement to understand your partner better:
The most exciting phase of an arranged marriage is that you have a lot to find out and explore about your partner. This is the best time to discuss about matters close to your heart and become comfortable talking to each other. Make the most of this period and you can grow your bond in a strong ever lasting relationship for life.
5) You partner is supportive and gives you time for adjust:
As your courtship helps you become great friends, your partner for life is always there to help you and supports you to adjust in the new family and environment. Also in an arranged marriage expectation levels are far less which allows enough space to adjust in the new surrounding. The situation might not be the same in love marriage.